Ben Johnson way too old to play Purvis/scene with fiance hurt... well; Made him look even older.
Still, liked his performance even better than C. Bale in Public Enemies. He let the action come to him. well; Made him look even older.
Still, liked his performance even better than C. Bale in Public Enemies. He let the action come to him.
Milius' portrayal of Melvin Purvis is basically a ripoff of actor Denver Pyle as Frank Hamer in "Bonnie and Clyde."
Michael Mann's portrayal of Melvin Purvis isn't extraordinarily true to the real Purvis either, but it's a lot closer to the truth than what Milius gives us here. Plus, Christian Bale's interpretation of the role as written is sure and masterful, every bit as good, and then some, as Ben Johnson, who also did a very good job of acting out the role as written.
It's Milius' writing and directing that I have issues with.
Sadly, for all its flaws, "Dillinger" just might be the best movie he ever made. "Red Dawn," for example, is complete tripe. Here in Albuquerque, back in 1984, audiences laughed uproariously at how awful "Red Dawn" was, like it was an Ed Wood "so bad it's good" movie.
I can't say about "The Wind and the Lion," never saw it myself.
"I don't deduce, I observe."
I would have rather preferred is they made Purvis played by someone in their mid 30s-early 40s instead of Ben Johnson, but in my opinion I liked Christian Bale's portrayal as Purvis in "Public Enemies"