Dark Star is not supposed to be a 'Comedy' at all.
I never thought that "Dark Star" was a comedy at all. In fact I don't think that either John Carpenter, or Dan O'Bannon are comedic writers, nor was any of their stuff ever really supposed to be funny. It's much more spookier then funny.
This low budget movie was good for completely different reasons, and not for the "So Called HUMOR". If you want quality humor, then watch Zuccker brother's "Naked Lunch", now that's a comedy. If you are liking Dark Star for the so called "COmedy", then your sense of humor is rather questionable, LOL. I think what made this film interesting in a strange and unusual way, that the filmmakers with the right music in the right moments, both Carpenter and O'Brien, managed to get some kind of effect of the hallow cold space. If you are familiar with Carpenter's movies (Escape from New York, Halloween, or The Thing), or O'bannon (Alien), you will find a lot of similar elements in Dark Star that was later seen in those other much higher budgeted movies. Dark Star is sort of the poor grand grand father of all of Carpenter's and O'Bannon's later classics.