MovieChat Forums > Breezy (1974) Discussion > William holden looks way................

William holden looks way................

I thought William holden looked like 70 years old during this movie. He looks way older than his age(55) when this movie was made. Is it only me? he aged badly.



I agree. That's what years of drinking and smoking can do to you. Still love him though!


This phenomenon is true through all the decades of the 20th Century -- people LOOKED much older at comparable ages -- and I think heavy smoking is the main reason. Look at newspaper photos, etc., from the 1940s and 1950s, and people who were in their 30s looked middle-aged, and in their 50s, they looked borderline elderly.


In Holden's case, drinking didn't help matters either.

Whatever happens here, stays here.


Yes, Holden looked really old in this movie. He was a chain smoker throughout his life and drank just as much. When they did his autopsy, he had a horribly damaged liver from all the drinking. My grandmother's friend from childhood lived in LA and worked in the movies as an extra. He knew Bill Holden from the 1940's and he told me in the early 80's that Holden lived every day that way. He was heavy on the social scene in Hollywood, appearing at many parties and lived life to it's fullest. When he was driving drunk in Italy in the 1960's and it caused the death of someone, his depression just got worse and so did the drinking. My favorite memory of him is when he appeared on I Love Lucy. That is my favorite episode!


I'm just reading "The Golden Boy" ebook now, and I am researching Bill a lot too! He was a harsh alcoholic, and I can go deeper bc I have researched MK Ultra since 1996. (27 years). Bill is what's called a 'sleeper'. Most 'fans' cannot get this at all.


What are you talking about? Don't just post nonsense, put up or shut up.


That is true. My grandmother, who never smoked and very rarely drank, always looked younger than her age. Even in her 90's she could pass for someone in their 70's!


I thought it was rediculous, he looked like her grandfather. He had not aged well. If he looked about late 40's, or close to 50, movie would have worked a bit more for me. It was not that good anyway.


I'm sure most folks agree that he was WAY too old for her. But this is the essence of the story. A crotchety old man with no one to love meets a snotty little brat whom we first esteem as opportunistic. The story unfolds and we find our morals being offended by Grandpa doing it with a youngster. But the richness of the emotions and conflicts naturally evoked as two people care for each other touches our heart. We each and all learn a lesson in love with this story.


that's the real point, there are little moments in which we see the conflicts Frank has inside him, the uncertainty of the situation, the difficulties he faces (he seems a little ashamed in telling her - in low voice - in the bathroom before going at the wedding party "You don't have to leave" because it's the first real sigh he admit his need for Breezy) ... it is a story of hope that trascends time and people


ITA. I thought it was a huge stretch to think someone as young and gorgeous as Kay Lenz would give him a second glance. To a girl her age, he would have looked like a grandpa.




Holden was playing, what, mid-40s? Eh. Believing that age is a real stretch, but it didn't ruin the story as such. He and Kay Lenz, whilst not displaying a sizzling sexual connection on screen, had surprisingly charming rapport. And Holden was hardly decrepid, as the sauna and weights scenes demonstrated that he was in good shape.

But that face. Ciggies and booze are not kind companions. I saw this when my dad was 55. He looked like William Holden's son!

Glitter on the mattress, glitter on the highway...


hahaha, Robert Redford playing "the Natural" at 48 , playing a 19 year old, then a 36 year old was a stretch too.... this was an utter dream... i thought holden looked like crap in some scenes and not so bad in others, dunno if it was lighting, better sleeping, not being hungover, less or more makeup ?? wasnt sure. Anyway, i still love william holden, and i'd hit that at any age LOL....

not sure if it was this thread but they trashed Wills cardigans, i personally loved the whole outfit he wore to the jeans shop, he had a beautiful orange cardigan on over a navy blue long sleeve shirt, navy tie , and navy pants... Holdens body still looked pretty good(for 55), and his butt looked great, he wasnt wearing those HIGH WAISTED pants from the 40's 50's. I am so used to seeing him wear pants pulled up past his belly button( i call them grampy pants, but that was the style back then,... i guess, grotesque ).
i really liked the movie, nice to see others enjoyed it also !


I loved his outfit he wore to that store as well! That blue undershirt was very classy striking! Also loved his grey blazer with brown patches on the elbows.


Even in Sunset Blvd when he was 31, he looked older. I thought he looked closer to 40 then but my mother thought he looked closer to 50, Swanson's age!

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


Ya, maybe he looked a bit older than 55.........but William Holden always had a distinguished, handsome appearance - and I think the same could be said of him here.


I didnt realise that. be fair, he never struck me as a man who would wear much make up or ever have plastic surgery...

do do do de da da da


Time and nature are indeed cruel to our bodies. Here is Kay (most recent pic I could find) at 50 -- five years younger than Holden was at the time of the film. How has she aged?

My son's girlfriend looks a lot like the young Kay. I hate that bastard! (JK)

"Martha Washington was a hip, hip, hip lady, man."


IMO she still looks fantastic. I watched this recently and I must say I liked it a lot. On the whole not a very good movie, very predictable but the two leads had a real chemistry, despite the big age difference.

BTW William Holden seemed much older than his age but given the tan, wrirnkled face but muscular body and his stamina I think that it was mainly sun damage by spending too many hours outdoors playing tennis. Nonetheless he still looked sexy :O)


I think it was a combination of sun damage, smoking, and drinking. He seems to have great genes, fit body and thick non-receding hair despite years of booze.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


Yes vicky, WH was a very handsome and fit young man, but he started smoking as a teen, and drank so much he had to swim home most nights! He reminds me a lot of my dad, who was a heavy drinker, and Irish descent also! I quit the sauce about 8 years ago, and I am a 37 year vegan, so at 70 yrs old I am in great shape, even tho I drank about 40 years.
