Trivia: the Japanese LOLITA genre and ALICE IN THE CITIES
Here's a fun little detail about Japanese culture y'all probably didn't know. Possibly because the sexualization of children is not such a big deal over there -- I remember seeing men's magazines with images of girls as young as 15 years old frolicking in bikinis, in between nudie spreads, and of course there are the shops where lascivious businessmen pay big money for schoolgirl panties -- see the film BOUNCE KO GALS for a peek into THAT scene -- there is a genre of videos that you find in stores identified as "Lolita" movies, which deal with relationships between adults and children, sometimes sexual, sometimes not. (I've personally seen shelves organized this way -- just like you might see a Suspense section in a video store here). Films like PAPER MOON, both LOLITAS, ALICE IN THE CITIES, and that Charles Bronson thing where he's in love with a kid, whatever the heck it was called -- all get organized together. It's not so much a feeling of culture shock as culture creepiness... and it's disturbing to see a film like ALICE IN THE CITIES situated in a context that generally seems to be sexual. Don't get me wrong, I greatly enjoyed my time in Japan, and would return if offered sufficient money -- people who share the country's doity little secrets generally get accused of Japan bashing, but... I speak th' truth, folks.
Allan (