Cane - REALLY!!??

The writers must really think we are major idiots! That Cane can go the entire meeting with the Japanese man, then devolve and give him a "hug"! Really? how idiotic. I hope Victoria fires his a$$!.


I don't like what they are doing with Cane and Billy being so negative and competitive. I don't like Billy and I hate that he is in almost every episode. They're using Cane to prop up Billy.


Cane and Lily irritate me very much. It looks as though Cane is going to be tempted by the sales rep! Loving that.


What is Cane's thing? I thought he wanted that woman to go back to Japan so she'd be out of his hair. Now he's disappointed she's fired. I admit to fast-forwarding a lot, but from what I watch, he doesn't make sense. Is he a bad guy or a good guy?


He's bad in the sense that he bribed a videographer/editing guy to frame Billy into looking bad. He hoped that Billy would take the fall for the hockey screw-up, and be fired. Instead, because Victoria is so far up Billy's ass, she fired Juliet as the hockey league wanted her to hold someone responsible. Juliet has always been plotting something - to get Cane, to get a better job, to get something - so now she's getting back at Cane for not protecting her.

Personally, I think Cane is a total idiot. I think he's too dumb to plot something good or bad and actually have it be effective.


Ok, thanks. I honestly couldn't tell if he was supposed to be an "evil" con, or just a dope making foolish choices. Idiots aren't entertaining to watch.


No worries. He did have an 'evil twin' back in the day, and they did the whole "twin swap" crap and killed the twin off (thankfully).


Evil twin?? lol


He is a total bad guy! He's STILL not telling Victoria or Lily or his own lawyer, Michael, the truth and the whole truth.

He's been a bad guy since he first arrived in GC. He pretended to be Jill's son.

He's a cad and a grifter, just like Chelsea.

AND he played with the video to get Billy in trouble.


Ok, this is what's confusing me. If he's a bad guy, why doesn't he do those facial expressions like an evil grin, or something. He always just looks like he's worried his mom's going to find out he borrowed the car. Is he just a bad actor? Is it the direction?


I think he's a bad actor , but others don't. He does make sly grins and had a smug affect. I hope he crashes and burns, and takes Lily the idiot down!!!
