
Was there ever an episode where a villain turned the super friends into kids?


Not in the 1973 season.

You're probably thinking of the episode called "The Mysterious Time Creatures" from the All-New Superfriends Hour (1978).

There was also an episode of Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show (1984) called "Uncle Mxyzptlk" where Superman is turned into a child, but no other hero is affected in that episode.


Thanks for your answer. Can you tell me what happened in "The Mysterious Time Creatures" ?


I don't remember everything about it, but I'll describe it as best I can.

And evil alien takes control of the planet Chrono and uses a time medallion to age its rightful leader who flees to earth.

The Superfriends help him, but the bad guy uses the medallion to make Superman, Wonder, and Aquaman kids. For some reason this either reduces are eliminates Superman's powers. I don't remember which.

I'm not sure what happens next, I'm pretty sure Zan and Jayna are in the story at this point, but I don't remember what they do.

At the end the bad guy tries to make Batman and Robin old, but they jump out of the way and the ray from the medallion makes hits Superman, Wonder, and Aquaman instead and returns them to their proper ages again which gives Superman his powers back. I think they capture the bad guy pretty easily after that.

Sorry, I don't remember the details very well.

