How would you reboot Star Trek?
I'm not asking if you think you can do a better job than Jar Jar Abrams or the, writers of Trannies 2. As a matter of fact, I thought Star Trek (2009) was the best Trek movie I have ever seen JUST surpassing Wrath of Khan, like 9.98 vs. 9.99. It's an honest question if you had the chance to reboot Star Trek, how would you do it? And I'm not talking about an Abrams style reboot that resulted from a significant change is the time line. I mean a BSG style reboot where you completely start over, meaning don't worry about V'Ger or the Borg, or Picard or Janeway, yet keeping it recognizable as Star Trek.
How will you design the Enterprise? Naturally we're keeping the standard saucer/nacelle configuration of the Enterprise, but how will you design the ship? Will you keep it simple and base it off of Matt Jeffries' Enterprise or Andrew Probert's Enterprise? Or will you give it a bold new look like Ryan Church's Enterprise or Gabriel Köerner’s Enterprise? Will the bridge be on deck 1? Will it have a brewery engineering section? Will it be built on the ground or in orbit, and from which planet?
How will the warp drive work? Will it still use a series of warp field coils that generates a subspace displacement field? Will you say, “Screw it, it’s a complete reboot!” and use a quantum slipstream warp drive? Will the warp drive capture tachyon particles that push the ship faster than light? What about the warp scale? Will it be TOS, TNG, or another? What about other.... obstacles shall we say like time dilation or radiation for going too fast?
How about the impulse engines? Is a trip to Pluto and back a quick trip run around the block, or is a trip to Jupiter still as epic and perilous as it was in 2001, only in a fraction of the time?
How will the transporter work? Will it still take you apart molecule by molecule? Will the transporter use dimensional shifting like the Elway theorem from the Next Generation episode, The High Ground? Will beaming down be in virtual reality using holographic avatars on the planet? I said there are no right or wrong answers, didn’t say anything about ballsy answers.
Will the phasers fire in pulses, beams, or both? Will it be a hold over acronym of PHASed Energy Rectification? Will they be phase modulated energy discharge canons? Or will you say screw the phase part and go with.... say something like 100 megavolt electron particle canons? But I think they still need to be some sort of energy or particle weapons and not some sort of artillery shells like they did with BSG.
Will the shields hug the hull or will they be a bubble? Will they be generated with a spatial distortion field, or some form of highly advanced polarized hull plating with some sort of magnetic force deflector? Will you go with the ablative shield generator on the series finale of Voyager?
Reminder, what I said are only possibilities I am thinking of to simply get the creative juices flowing, not a multiple choice as to which way you want to go.
What would the general level of technology be? Can you walk up to a food station and order any of the 14 varieties of tomato soup, and still can’t get hot plain tomato soup right? Is food grown in the ship’s hydroponic gardens that take up much of... say deck 7?
Ah, now the big questions. What is the role of Starfleet and the Federation? What is Starfleet’s role in the Federation? What is Starfleet’s status as a military force? What about the Prime Directive? Though the number one directive, what is its power and how far does it goes?
What are some of the things you’ve always wanted to see on Star Trek and now have an opportunity to put in? And since it’s a complete reboot as a reminder, remember continuity and canon no longer apply. Do you want to see Wookies or droids? Do you want to see a couple of Vipers or Starfuries alongside the shuttle crafts? Do you want to see a 24th century holodeck on a 23rd century starship with the crew wearing 22nd century uniforms? How will you develop the Klingons, and what will you base them off of? Though I said that continuity and canon doesn't apply here, will you try to ensure a future for Picard, Sisko and Janeway, and a past for Archer?
And probably the most important question, aside from star travel what will Star Trek be about? Will it focus on world events through star travel? Will exploring space be a symbolic exploration into humanity? Or will it be actually about exploring strange new worlds? Will it be we're stopping off to say hi, or will it be a case of we know they're out there, we just don't know who or where? Will the attitude be if they're hostile, better to meet them out there so we can deal with them better here? Or will it follow the age old concept; let's see what's out there? Engage.