MovieChat Forums > Star Trek (1973) Discussion > Rec Room in ' The Practical Joker '

Rec Room in ' The Practical Joker '

Boy, what a revelation to me . It preceded the Holodeck by a good 15 years or so .




Lazy + smart = efficient.


James Kirk's middle name being Tiberius was also first used in this series. In the episode Bem. It was never mentioned in the original series.

And even though they later used the holodeck in other series and movies and Kirk's middle name has been Tiberius since being mentioned in this show, the show for some reason is still not considered canon.

(knock,knock,knock) Penny (knock,knock,knock) Penny (knock,knock,knock) Penny


And even though they later used the holodeck in other series and movies and Kirk's middle name has been Tiberius since being mentioned in this show, the show for some reason is still not considered canon.

I'm sure Kirk's middle name must also have appeared in a number of Trek novels before finally being stated onscreen in ST6. Are those novels therefore "canon" as well?

Uhura's first name has been given as "Nyota" in a number of Trek novels since William Rotsler made it up in 1982. Are they suddenly all "canon" too, now that ST09 has made the name official?

The book in which Rotsler introduced the name was Star Trek II Biographies, published as a movie tie-in for TWOK. Some of the information in his biographies is contradicted by later films; is the book now "canon" anyway just because the name "Nyota" is?


Lazy + smart = efficient.


I'm new to the Animated series and I was going to ask this question too, but I guess you answered it. I wanted to know if this series is considered an extension of TOS, therefore bringing it closer to 100 episodes total .


I wanted to know if this series is considered an extension of TOS . . .

It's a separate series. Whether the Powers That Be count it as canonical in its own right has varied a bit over time, but at the moment it seems not to be part of the "official" canon according to Paramount and CBS.

We can think what we please, though, and for my part I'm happy to treat at least some of the episodes as part of my personal Trek "canon" -- "Yesteryear" in particular.


Lazy + smart = efficient.


I believe, it was originally intended as canon when it first aired. I think it was only later that some questioned its cononicity. Personally, I see don't know of anything it contradicted, so it is canon to me.
