Wouldn't It Have Made More Sense To Keep Chekhov and Lose Sulu?
I know they couldn't afford all the cast members, so Walter Koenig got left out of TAS. However, if one cast member had to go, I would think it would make much more sense to keep Chekhov and lose Sulu.
Chekhov is funny and allowed for a lot of humor. His thick Russian accent is a good voice for animation. And just in general, he was intended to be the young member of the crew on TOS that teens could relate to, and so he would have served that same purpose on TAS. In contrast, as much as I love George Takei, I don't think Sulu is that pivotal a character to the series, or even really that interesting, and I wouldn't feel that we HAD to have him on TAS. I would consider him the much more expendable character.
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