Slavers / Gzinte

i read in another post that the Slaver / Gzinte from episode the slaver weapon is part of another sci fi universe, can somebody tell me what it comes from, and how it made its way into animated star trek?


The Kzinti (the big orange cat-like aliens) are a creation from Larry Niven's Tales of Known Space universe. I'm sure you've heard of Larry Niven, he's very famous. The TAS episode "Slaver Weapon" is based on a story titled "The Soft Weapon." If you want to see more of the Kzinti, there's a ton of books with them. Try the Ringworld books (I think at least three have been written), plus there's a franchise series of books (books in which other authors are allowed to write about Niven's characters the Kzinti) called The Man-Kzin Wars series, which I think has reached well over 10 books, when you include novels spun off stories in the anthologies.

P.S. As for how the Niven story made it into Star Trek TAS, since that was over 30 years ago, Niven might have done it for the money. But from I've heard, later on he didn't care for the Kzinti popping up in fan fiction so much, and might have regretted doing the TAS episode.


Interesting, thanks for the info.


In the animated episode "The Time Trap" we get a very quick view of how the Kzinti (or Gzinte) originally appeared in the Niven universe. In the panning shot of the council, we see an alien that looks exactly like the artist's rendition of the Kzinti in several of Mr. Niven's Known Space books. It is never established in the ep exactly who this felinoid is, however.

"Funny how your feet, in dreams, never touch the Earth" -Nancy Wilson


I forgot about this post, heres a hit to keep it alive


well done chuck captain


I was utterly pleased that the Slavers became a part of the Trek universe even if it is quasily. I read the novels by Niven this year before I saw the ep and it was really, really good. I really suggest you buy his book "Neutron Star." It's better than watching the new BSG, dare I say.

Kid Rock:I dont need any water
Cameron Diaz:You need water 2 make beer
K Rock:Oh my God!


Chuck Captain


Are you trying to say Chuft Captain?

I delete all private messages without reading them, so don't waste your time.


"Gzinte"? Seriously...?

I delete all private messages without reading them, so don't waste your time.


And, in case you haven't read it yet, Larry Niven is also the proud author of "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex". And if you haven't read it yet, enjoy with my compliments!

"Sir, have you ever noticed that while we run our ships, our engineers own them?"--JTK
