MovieChat Forums > Star Trek (1973) Discussion > Should Be Re-Canonized

Should Be Re-Canonized

I think it's about time for the opinion of those in charge of the Star Trek franchise to be re-evaluated as to the status of TAS in the "canon" of the franchise. I understand that Mr. Roddenberry was vehemently opposed to the idea but sometimes those closest to their own creations can be blinded by some of the charm that they may have become jaundiced by. Roddenberry claimed he only did it for the money but in my opinion the results were more worthy than he himself was aware of. DS9 and ENTERPRISE both relaxed some of the cold shouldering that had been directed at TAS by working in references to the series, and of course the Holodeck idea is just an elaboration on "Practical Joker's" rec-room: With all of the mileage that the subsequent series got off the Holodeck you'd think that some propz for where the idea came from would be due.


Especially in light of how many elements of TAS were canonized--holodeck, T being Tiberius, Spock's mother's maiden name, an assortment of aliens in the crew. The environment belt is a great idea, the only reason they rejected that for live action is the effects cost.


The "fan" made fourth season of Star Trek:TOS entitled STAR TREK NEW VOYAGES :PHASE II is re-introducing the environmental belt into their uncoming episodes. The series has many of the set designs and costumes pretty close to the original series and it will be interesting how the live version of the environmental belt will look.

They are also introducing a live version of that alien crew member with the three arms and three legs. [Arex]

My point? The fans are doing what the corporations are too slow to do. Of course the fact that the copyright owners are looking the other way while these "fan" made productions are being create is a credit to them.

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by arbilab» Sun Jan 13 2008 09:39:05
IMDb member since July 2004

Especially in light of how many elements of TAS were canonized--holodeck, T being Tiberius, Spock's mother's maiden name, an assortment of aliens in the crew. The environment belt is a great idea, the only reason they rejected that for live action is the effects cost.

Live Full & Die Empty. Tap Your Potential and Realize Your Dreams!


Yes, but that's just fanfic--and it's pretty bad.


No, actually they are pretty good. Also they have writers and actors/actresses from the original series involved.

In response to:

by ThisIsMyShinyThing » 19 minutes ago (Mon Dec 16 2013 14:19:19)
IMDb member since July 2008

Yes, but that's just fanfic--and it's pretty bad.

Live Full & Die Empty. Tap Your Potential and Realize Your Dreams!


The writing and particularly the acting are godawful. They're typical fanfic.


To each their own. I'm enjoying the episodes and support their efforts.

In response to:

by ThisIsMyShinyThing » 4 hours ago (Mon Dec 16 2013 19:59:43)
IMDb member since July 2008

The writing and particularly the acting are godawful. They're typical fanfic.

Live Full & Die Empty. Tap Your Potential and Realize Your Dreams!


I agree. I'm watching them right now and I keep asking myself why ever they're supposed to be non-canonical in the first place. They're classic Star Trek, and with a lot of elements and even whole plots that are totally "in tune" with The Next Generation even.



As boring as star trek the animated series was in my opinon anyways I think that it should be Re-Cannonized after all when Parmount owned Star Trek
and CBS Parmount Pictures they have the creative rights to Star Trek and Since Roddenberry's death in 1991 and the consequent firing of Richard H. Arnold, there have been various references to the animated series even though when he was alive which meant he still had the creative rights to Star Trek he said,

Writers of the novels, comics and role-playing games were prohibited from using concepts from the animated series in their works.

Parmout Pictures old owner of Star Trek and CBS Parmount Picture new owner of star trek has lifted the ban on preventing Writers of the novels, comics and role-playing games were prohibited from using concepts from the animated series in their works what is wrong in Re-Cannonized Star Trek The Animated Series?

Captain Robert April from star trek the animated series is mentioned in Novels, Computer Games, and even comics.


Absolutely not.

The only possible way that I'd even think that TAS should become "canon" would be if they could take the original audio and re-create the visuals entirely and add in new voice work as well for additional scenes or aliens.

Whether it was 2D or 3D doesn't really matter to me, I'd just like to see these stories presented in a way that doesn't look like a quick artist chop shop created them a few hours before they aired. The constant re-use of shots and the 5 or 6 facial expressions really grow old, as does the poor coloring of some of the ships, characters, and objects (some of what is due to Hal Sutherland being color blind). It's just sloppy.

Really expand on some of the stories, re-edit them entirely, to the level that could approach TOS.

At the very least it would be an interesting experiment to re-create the look and feel of TOS, without the Saturday morning cheap cartoon feel.

"You've shown your quality sir. The very highest."



I did not like Star Trek Enterprise at all.
I guess the writers of star trek the animated series and Filmation might care.







It is generally assumed that the episodes in the series take place after the events of the Original Series, possibly during the last year of the NCC-1701's five-year mission. However this is never stated on screen. It is impossible to support this notion using the stardates mentioned in the episodes, since they are often inconsistent with the Original Series.

Since the only thing that can change in Star Trek The Animated Series is to fix the shortcuts, improve the animation, and fix the voice actors.

Seasons 3-5 can be one hour long and be given the same feel as star trek the orginal series did.

Maybe Star Trek The Animated Series should take place in 2273 one year after the Star Trek The Motion Picture.

Season 3-5 will show the refitted enteprise while showing how the
Admiral James T. Kirk and his crew looked in Star Trek The Motion Picture.

With Captain Decker joining V'ger and Admiral James T. Kirk was most likely Captain of The Enteprise still until Mr. Spock became the Captain of the Enteprise between Star Trek The Motion Picture and Star Trek The Wrath Of Kahn.

After all Admiral James T. Kirk was granted the Captain position while Captain Wil Decker was demoted to commander before he once again was promoted back to Captain when he was declared M.I.A. when joining with V'ger.

Just because elements or material of canon and basing Star Trek The Next Generation episode The Rascals on Star Trek The Animated Series The Counter Clockwise Incident does not make star trek the animated series canon.

However it makes star trek canon harder to understand.


Good old TAS. I remember in the late 90's when i finally got to watch the show, it was on like 2 in the morning here in Canada, and while it looks pretty cheesy for today's standards its still a good show. and I think most of the elements should be canonized, but maybe not all.


Since Star Trek canon is being muddled up by using noncanon star trek the animated series into live action tv series and movies and basing Star Trek The Next Generation episode called Rascals on Star Trek The Animated Series The Counter Clockwise Incident CBS Studios might not have much choice but to recanon Star Trek The Animated Series.

Stargate cartoon is not considered to be canon since the creators of Stargate were no part of this.

However Gene Roddenberry was part of Star Trek The Animated Series.


It's ALWAYS been "canon" for me, after all, I watched 'em when they were first-run, and to my eyes, they're more "canon" than NEXT GENERATION ever was.


Star Trek TAS is always been canon for me also


Officially TAS isn't canon, but so much of its elements have crept back into the canon via TV shows and movies, plenty of examples being cited by posters here, it's canon in all but name. I'd like to know what the canon fuss was about, anyhow, when after you boil it down, all that TAS was, was TOS minus Chekov, and plus a couple of alien bridge officers, M'Ress and Arex, and the "worst" TAS episodes certainly weren't worse than the worst TOS episodes.


The best tip of the hat to TAS is in the TOS remastered episode "Amok Time." As Kirk, Spock, and McCoy walk across the land-bridge (a shot clearly inspired by ST3) the next shot of the arena shows a city in the distance, which is clearly the city ShiKahr from the animated ep "Yesteryear." I saw it immediately but Mike Okuda confirms it in the commentary.


I'm on board with it being canon. The animation not be up to today's standards, but the scripts were actually quite good, and felt like true Star Trek. Goodness, if people can consider Abrams ST to be canon, than TAS most certainly is.


I was under the impression that since 2007, with the animated series being put into the Trek Library, it became canon once again finally.

"Bring Me The Horizon"


Most of the people on this thread are misinformed. The only time TAS was not "canonized" (such a stupid term) was during Richard Arnold's tenure at Paramount. That jackass made a lot of idiotic decrees, and that was one of them. After he was fired for gross incompetence, his decisions were all overturned. Since then, the events of TAS have been referenced in TNG, ENT, the 2009 film and elsewhere. Heck, ENT's fifth season had a Kzinti story planned. TAS is part of the story, folks.

Religion: because the ignorant need clubs, too.


TAS was canonized when Paramount/CBS re-released Star Trek TAS on DVD in 2007/8? The official definition of Star Trek cannon is, Star Trek which is published in video format by Paramount/CBS/Gene Roddenberry.

Some definitions of cannon:
- Star Trek TAS
- Star Trek Voyager
- Star Trek The Voyage Home

Some examples of non-cannon:
- Star Trek: New Voyages/Phase Two (as awesome as it is, it's not cannon at all)
- Star Trek: The Motion Picture Soundtrack (note, Gene Roddenberry interviews Spocks father Sarek in this audio CD, however, that does not make what is said cannon, as only VIDEO is cannon.)
- Star Trek: Shatner Novels (or whatever they're called)

You see, it's only the shows and movies. While I don't know where on the internet this definition is kept, it's universally agreed on by fans that this is how Star Trek cannon works :)


Nothing is cannon, since that is a large weapon. Besides, only socially inept weirdos care about canonicity, since it's ALL fiction. All that matters is whether or not someone enjoys it.

Religion: Because even the stupid need hobbies.



Its canon to me. Its on screen, it was Roddenberry authorised, it was extremely faithful to the series, had the same cast and introduced elements that ARE canon. I have far bigger problems with the Star Wars universe where due to fan fiction and the expanded world even the lowliest Death Star guard has his own name and back story. A random extra playing a Stormtrooper who gets shot in the detention block can now turn up at conventions known now as Lieutenant Wails Sjaki or something like that. And now with the new films coming out all of that "canon" will probably be contradicted again.
