The Sound FX

Filmation used too many non-Trek generic cartoon sound fx and left other sounds out altogether. Here's a list of what they left out or used the wrong sounds for. "gs" means generic sound fx.

Phasers (gs)
Intercom whistle (missing)
Tricorder (gs)
Medical scanner (gs)
Door "whish" (missing)
Button tones (missing)
Transporter 1 - The little "purr" the slide levers make when they are moved. (missing)
Transporter 2 - They used the old "powering up" sounds from "The Cage". I prefer the later "shimmering" sound.

The animated voice of The Guardian Of Forever sounds nothing like the original. They also skimped badly on the appearance of the ruins that surrounded the Guardian in "City On The Edge Of Forever"

A chrysanthemum by any other name would be easier to pronounce.
