I wrote a similar suggestion years ago for an all-CGI continuation of TOS along the lines of How to Train Your Dragon, although with more realistic character designs. The state of the art in CGI is very close to crossing the uncanny valley. The actors have to re-cast for live action because the original cast doesn't look anything like 50 years ago and some have passed on. But with animation, that wouldn't matter. Everyone can be ageless (see The Simpsons). Almost half of the original cast is still alive (Shatner, Takei, Koenig, Nichols) and can be signed if they're interested and affordable, and the rest can be replaced with soundalikes. Everybody knows what the iconic voices sound like so they'd be fairly easy to imitate (Kevin Pollack used to do a wicked Shatner Kirk). By contrast, the voices in the rebooted movies are so utterly generic, although Quinto did sound Nimoyish about 30% of the time. No clipped staccato Shatnerisms or sonorous Takei (oh, my!). With apologies to the late Anton Yelchin, his hyperactive, never-shut-up, helium voiced Chekov really got on my nerves. They could even bring back guest characters or recurring characters. Janice Rand, Commodore Wesley, Kevin Riley, Trelane, the Romulan commander from "The Enterprise Incident." More verbal jousting matches between Kirk and Koloth. We could finally see what happened with some stories. Revisit Sigma Iotia, the 1920s gangland planet, to see what happened after they reverse engineered the communicator and transtator. See Balok and the Fesarius again. The only sticking point might be that they'd have to negotiate the rights to use the likenesses of the guest stars.
The Enterprise could be updated slightly so it doesn't look like it was designed and built in the 1960s. Keep everything inside much the same but add a layer of detail, like more blinky lights and moving video on the screens - but NO Okudagrams! The original TAS "sets" didn't look exactly the same as the TOS sets, but we accepted the differences. Don't throw everything out and start fresh like that idiot JJ Abrams, with a bridge that's completely unrecognizable. Matt Jefferies had so much more design sense than Abrams. Bring back the old staples like the briefing room with its triangular viewer, and the Emergency Manual Monitor overlooking Engineering.