Are series 4 and 5 not being shown by Paramount Comedy 2? I notice that the reruns just seem to be those of series 1, 2, 3 and 6. Mind you, in a way, that is a good thing, because when series 4 and 5 are finally released, I won't know what is going to happen in each episode!
Man About The House is so addictive that you just can't help watching it each it's shown, despite the fact that you know you're going to buy the DVD when it comes out.
Oh, and watched the episodes last night where Robin's brother comes along and steals Chrissy right under Robin's nose! Robin's face was an absolute mask of devastation, wasn't it? He should have moved on when he saw there was no chance with Chrissy, and gone for Jo. After all, she was a very pretty blonde girl. Single too! I'd have been right in there, no messing!
Webmaster, Paramount have just shown the complete series,(with the exception of the very last episode for some reason?) including S4 and S5 but some episodes were show at 12.55am and not repeated, usually of a weekend because of M*A*S*H theme nights and such like. I definitely watched 'The Last Picture Show' and 'How Does Your Garden Grow' which were S4 and S5 eps if I'm not mistaken. Don't worry as I'm sure they will be re-shown very soon, just keep a look out for the post-midnight double bills.
It's always seemed odd to me that Richard had much better chemistry with Paula than he did with Jo/Sally especially as he and Sally had a relationship in real life . I didn't see any spark between Robin and Jo at all, but he and Chrissy were dynamite together. Initially I thought they'd ruined the ending by pairing Robin's brother up with Chrissy as it was so obvious that she really loved Robin and vice versa, but I suppose with Robin's Nest about to begin they had to make do with the prolonged kiss between the two instead!
Don't hate me, but I don't see the attraction with Jo at all. She seemed like a sweet girl, but she had the worst case of buck teeth I've ever seen! Tessa Wyatt of Robin's Nest fame was much better looking I thought. Each to their own though.
Cheers for the info. I didn't know that Paramount had shown series 4 and 5 around midnight. I saw them advertised in the TV guide, but I assumed that they would be just repeats of the episodes that were shown between 7.00 p.m. and 8.00 p.m.
I didn't know that Richard actually dated Sally Thomsett off screen. Do you know how long they were an item? I suppose Sally is married now with a few kids. Ain't seen her on TV for years. I think the last time she was on was in a Yootha Joyce Tribute, which I would love to have on DVD.
Re. MAN ABOUT THE HOUSE, I agree that there didn't seem to be much spark between the series characters. However, the scene where Robin drools over Jo when she comes on in that bikini - the sun lamp episode, I think it was - did get his pulse racing a bit, didn't it?
No worries. Yes, Paramount can be very frustrating like that, it was only by chance that I caught a post-midnight episode once and realised that they weren't repeats. Have you only just started watching it? I think it has been shown 6 times or so over the last few months, but as I mentioned they are chopping the episodes so you are probably best buying the official DVD's.
I only know that Richard and Sally dated from reading a few newspaper articles, I believe both were married when the show began (Sally must have married very young) but Richard divorced his wife almost straight away, and Sally divorced her husband not long after. I'm not sure how long they were an item for, but I think they broke up during or very soon after MATH ended as Richard became involved with Tessa Wyatt in the late 70's. I'm surprised Sally made no mention of their relationship in the S2 DVD commentary, she mentioned that he was a pin-up with the girls or something but not about them dating. I would like to know more about them, does anyone out there know more? Sally had a daughter very late on in her mid-forties, I think she mentions her in the commentary. I didn't see the Yootha Joyce tribute, was it good? What did they say about her? I loved her, such a sad loss.
Yes, Robin did drool over Jo in her bikini and he tried it on with her when they were watching TV in another episode, but it was clear that he lusted after Chrissy almost constantly. There was an episode near the end where he told Jo to go to her bedroom so he could be alone with Chrissy so it would seem he just wasn't that interested. I know Sally mentioned that she didn't know why the writers always paired Chrissy off and not her, and to be fair I think she has a point.
Richard was always coy about his relationships, he never admitted to seeing Thomsett, I think the press outed them. Did she mention when it was that they dated and for how long? I would love to read that article if you still have it.
Dick Turpin was fantastic, Richard pleaded with LWT to turn it into a 1 hour show but they never did which was a shame. I read that he worked on both shows at the same time, Robin's Nest was extended during its 3rd series so his rehearsals for that clashed with the filming of DT. He also toured Australia that year and of course was seeing the lovely Miss Wyatt, surprised he had the energy! He was paralysed after falling from a horse for a month whilst filming DT too, I bet that was a year he didn't forget in a hurry!
Thanks anyway. Is that Dick Turpin website still going? I read about the 'finger' episode too! He mentioned that all the sword fights were well choreographed but on this occasion he got carried away and the actor he was fencing with caught his finger with his sword, fortunately he was wearing a ring and the sword hit that, if it hadn't he'd have lost his finger, ouch! He is quite a brave actor isn't he? Have you seen that DT episode where he was tied to a burning wheel and rolled along the ground? He said that he was scared stiff filming it as flames were just missing his clothes and hair, and his hands and feet were tightly bound to the wheel. Three crew members had to grab him and put the flames out! He rode that horse quite fast too.
Excellent, thanks a lot! I'd actually seen that tribute site but hadn't seen the other two. I wonder what became of Michael Deeks? I'm not sure of the correct terminology in terms of the way Dick Turpin was filmed/taped etc... but the one thing I'm very surprised about with the series is how poor the picture quality is on DVD. At times it's barely watchable, I wonder if that's why ITV have never repeated it? Man About The House and Robin's Nest look like they were filmed yesterday, the picture quality is superb, but not DT, strange given that it was filmed (for the most part) after the other two series, and it's the newer episodes that seem to have come out worse.
Thanks again for the links. Did you see Richard in the Mail on Sunday last week by the way?
Can't believe you didn't like Jo. Shame on you! You expressed your dislike of her protruding teeth. Well, for me, that only served to make her all the more cute!
And what about those opening shots of her in a bikini where she is lying on top of the boat getting a suntan - until her reverie is disturbed by a fisherman's rod accidentally yanking her bra top off!
I still think Robin should have ended up with Jo, once Chrissie got married to his brother.
I did think Jo was a cute girl but those teeth were seriously scary, you got used to them after a while but when I first started watching I was shocked at how bad they were! She did have a nice figure though I'll give you that.
I think Robin should have ended up with Chrissy rather than Jo, he and Jo had very little chemistry, surprising really when Richard and Sally went out in real life. I often wondered why the producers always had him chasing Chrissy but never really Jo though, in fact poor Jo got nowhere near the amount of attention from men that Chrissy got for some reason. I think things worked out ok in the end as he had great chemistry with Vicky in Robin's Nest just like he did with Chrissy. Maybe Jo could have ended up with Larry?