Is it common in Brittain...

...that some old men continue to dress in full suit and tie everyday? Or is this more stylized for the show?

"Ignorance is a poor excuse, and even worse as a lifestyle" - Me


YES some do. Its should be said that there old suits. In about 1990 I worked with a man (aged about 56) who welded in a (old)full suit and tie every day so walking about in a suit for some old men is still the standed.


It is very true that some "old men" still dress in suit and tie every day whilst others dont bother so in this respect the dress code of the series is very much that of their generation. I would hate to think that 56 is now seen as being old, in which case with at least another decade added I am well passed it.


Sorry I didn't mean that 56 was old just that its not so odd to see some one dressed in a suit all the time. His about 71 now and still allways wears a suit.


Yeah, as the other two answers have stated, some senior citizens in the UK will wear a shirt and tie. Part of it is because that's what they grew up with, and part of it is, they want to still be seen as having standards and a pride in their appearance.

This is likely something that is a fading practice, as the generation that were adults during the Second World War is thining out somewhat.


We have younger people who work everyday and move about in suits and ties. If looking formal is a staple of public presence and demeanor, it should be of no surprise to any casual wearer except in times of inclimate weather.
