My own 'last wine of summer.'

I have watched the show for the past five years. I close the door to my bedroom so that I am not interrupted by all except a hurricane.
I live in the mountains of North Carolina and my companions are my dogs 'Barry', 'Pearl' and my cat Oscar Wild. Our adventures and misadventures are much like those characters in 'Last Wine.'We walk the beautiful hills and visit nearby neighbors. The sense of humor in this area is similar to the TV show.
At 77, I love our walks and 'talks' regardless of the weather.
Sincerely, Donald Conrad



Thats the nicest post ive ever seen on imdb




Got to agree with that!!!


I have had a few last of the summer wine moments myself, pretty much coz I spent the years of 14 to 21 on drugs staggering about holmfirth and falling into ditches like LOTSW boys do, only a lot younger, at night, and on drugs.

y'see someone ought to a Trainspotting/LOTSW crossover movie, where the bleak northern drug-scene is fused with the relentlessly optimistic sunny yorkshire pensioner scene. Bill Owen on crack at 4am lost in the woods around New Mill would be worth paying money to go and see. If he weren't dead, that is.



If I walked into my village centre and saw Bill Owen staggering towards me I doubt I'd be worried whether or not he was on crack as well as some kind of anti dead pill

"Luck is for those without skill." ~ Greg Sanders


I think that is great mr conrad... I am "only" 40... but these youngsters that post mean comments about this show are exactly the reason why so many people love it... so many people think that experience, and life long fortitude is not to be admired and appreciated. I hope they learn before they too are on the other side of 70. I love this show because it allows me to hope... that retirement can be some of the best years of my life... I became a wife an mother by 19... I am happy to look for a second chance at a childhood.

Keep up the good work Mr. Conrad the good example you live is good for us all... even the silly youngsters that think that their experience is a universal one.



i am a student from scotland who has just turned 17 and i wish i could have as much fun as the summer wine boys or indeed donald, i have been a fan of lotsw since i was 3 as my gran would watch it when i went round to her house of a thursday (still do as well) and every week it just got more and more fun and i'd like to thank last of the summer wine for bringing me closer to my gran and grandad and my brother.


I don't know why you're attacking "youngsters." It's kind of ridiculous to make such a broad generalization. Most people don't even state their age here so Idon't understand why you're turning young people into scapegoats. Seems kind of rude to me.
