I've got a good one, also by Foggy: "It's people like you who make this country so rich in idiots."
And Ivy's exclamation: "What the blood and stomach pills?!"
And here's a cute scene from an episode where Compo dressed up in riding gear (motorcycle gear) to impress Nora: Compo: Oh, Noooooora! Foggy: That man, what are you doing? Compo: You great long jessie! Clegg: It's Biggles! (he laughs) It is! It's Biggles!
Finally, here's another funny scene, from the episode where they try to catch a giant "ape": (Foggy comes down the street to Auntie Wainwright's shop; he is dressed in safari gear and the guys laugh at him) Compo: It's Wild Bill Hiccup! Clegg: It's Jungle Jim! Compo (indicating Foggy's blowgun): Look! It's Clarissa with her curtain rod!
If I hear any more quotes, I'll post them on here for you!
Lol! Old Sylvester's funeral; I remember that episode! Good grief, it was so funny...
I love the following, taken from a conversation between Billy, Clegg, Truly, and Alvin in the episode "Watching The Clock" (or was it "Little Orphan Howard," I can't remember...). Anyway, here it is:
Alvin: All these things that eat grass... why aren't they green? Truly: You eat Old English Humbugs; why aren't you sticky and striped? Billy: I thought he was sticky and striped. Clegg: No, that's just his mustache.
"Desperate For A Duffield": Clegg (to Compo): Well, that's the trouble with your trousers; any minute you're expecting to be facing it.
"The General's Greatest Battle": Truly (spotting a donkey in a field): Now we'll see what he looks like on a horse. Entwistle: Casual observer might think it's a donkey. Truly: Close enough! Clegg: This is as far as I go. I have a bad record with donkeys; I was thrown once at Bridlington.