Seinfeld with old british men

Unless I have my shows mixed up, this show in the weirdest way reminds me of Seinfeld. The episodes often consist of them discussing random things and harping on unusual observations "nothing" style, and having wacky situations in a similar manner, except fun in a British 70's way. Anyone else see what I'm talking about?

This bill is outrageous. If I were you I wouldn't pay it.


Yes, yes, yes! I totally get what you mean! :)) We always said Clegg would be Jerry, (because he reacts more then acts sometimes, and is the middle ground,) Foggy would be Eline (I guess,) and Compo would be Kramer! (I don't need to explain that.) Howard could be George (because he's the more pathetic, problematic one,) and...and...well, that's as far as we got.

But I DO see what you mean about LOTSW. I love the sudden topics out of nowhere, aspecialy from Clegg, and the general "no story" story, just people going about life.

~ Maybe the Hokey Pokey "is" what it's all about ~
