Michael Bates

I wonder if during the filming of this, Michael Bates reflected on his recent career and thought:

'In the last 4 years, I've acted alongside George C. Scott as he gave an Oscar winning performance in a film that won the Best Picture Oscar. I've also worked with Stanley Kubrick and Alfred Hitchcock and I'm now stuck in this dreadful, painfully unfunny attempt at comedy.'


I am continually amazed at how varying our opinions can be about what is good or bad, funny or absurd, but more than that why do you waste your time commenting on LOTSW when there is a 'Patton' message board?


I am continually amazed at how varying our opinions can be about the best place to post comments.

Personally I think comments on Last of The Summer Wine should be written in the Last of The Summer Wine message board not in the Patton message board.


Well yes, but why are you interested in commenting on shows you strongly dislike in the first place? Truly of the Yard has gotten confessions out slipperier customers than you. Of course, he could be lying.

Formerly WI220


So we can only post comments and express opinions on things we like?

Ever heard of democracy?


Of course you can post. I just wondee about people's motivations sometimes.


No, he probably thought, "Well, this is a bit of a giggle."


I suppose to you the office is high comedy?


Michael Bates actually enjoyed working on Last of the Summer Wine, despite his differing political views with Bill Owen. The year after this started he landed his most famous TV role, as Rangi Ram in It Ain't Half Hot, Mum. By 1975 he was actually at the height of his TV career, playing important roles in two of the nation's most popular sitcoms. Sadly, the same year he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He chose to leave Last of the Summer Wine because he no longer had the strength to walk the Yorkshire hills for location filming. He continued working in It Ain't Half Hot, Mum until late 1977, despite his seriously failing health. He died on 11 January 1978 at the age of just 57.


Gee, thanks for the lecture...


So anyone who doesn't like Last of the Summer Wine has to love The Office?

Interesting logic.


I don't like Big Brother, I'm a Celebrity, X Factor etc but I don't go on those boards and criticise them. So why do people have to criticise Last of the Summer Wine? It's not to everyone's taste but a lot of people enjoy it.


People criticise Last of the Summer Wine on these boards for the same reason that other people go on here and praise it.

Because you are allowed to go on these boards and express an opinion one way or the other.

Isn't democracy great?
