
Does anyone know what kind of lollipop Kojak ate?


I never saw the original series.

But, the ones that Ving Rhames sucks on are Tootsie Roll Pops, by my observation of slow-motion on my Tivo. In the "All That Glitters" episode, he takes a few out of his pocket that have a red wrapper that looked almost exactly like tootsie rolls, though no logo was visible. Later on, while in the room with Mr. Jewelry Store Robber, it is easy to see the raised portion of the lollipop that Tootsie Roll Pops are famous for.

Just my $.02


Tootsie Roll pops. Ving Rhames in the new series sucks on the same type.


he.. you know, only Kojak could get away with that. sucking on lollipops, wearing pink shirts, and calling other guys for "baby." I haven't seen the Ving Rhames version, i got nothing against that actor, but i don't care for remakes. you know how they sometimes don't replace actors on a show who have died, out of respect, becouse no other person should play that role. maybe that got something to do with why i don't like remakes. (totally hooked on sequals though.)

i got one bullet saved, from every rage in me,
i got one twig saved, from every scar you see,
i know every trick in the book,
i pity backstabbers and crooks,
i watch, nothing i will do,
a hand much harder than mine, will come down on you.


It's the exact same with me. Sequals I can watch even if everyone said they are unbareable. But nowdays we are overflowed with remakes that don't even bother of paying any respect to thier originals,...

Right, only Telly could gt away with such things,..
Does someone know which flaovour did Kojak use? The original chocolate or..?

"If you gotta go, go with a smile."


I think it was least, that is what it was in photos I've seen online.



Charms Blow-Pops. They don't make them anymore, the core was bubble gum. There are a few scenes where immediately after finishing his lollipop, we see Kojak blow a bubble.


Hi Molly,

I was curious and as with anyone who is, I checked on "Blow Pops" and find that Tootsie Roll Products purchased the product some years ago. Here is the link to see that information.


He must have switched between Charms and Toostie Pops because I'm now watching the episode COP IN A CAGE where he clearly hands a hooker in the bar a Toostie Pop.


I just searched on Amazon and they have them by the box. I didn't check recently, but I know there is a website for nostalgia candy too. Now, I'm curious. I'll have to check a candy rack next time I'm running errands.


I don't know where you're from, but I don't think you have to go to any lengths to get Charms Blow Pops. In Colorado I'm pretty sure I can buy them at Target, Walgreens and Safeway.


I remember once Kojak stuck his lollipop into a kilo of powder then popped it in his mouth saying "that's pure cocaine baby!", it should have made his tongue numb though.
I sure would like to see a video clip of that, classic Kojak move.


funny story, in my country we call lollipops ''kojak'' cuz of this show
