Help with an episode/character.
Hi. I need a little help with a vague memory of a Kojak episode I'm not sure I remember or not when I first watched them as a child Saturday nights on BBC1 with my Nan and Pap. Now ITV 4 are showing them again I'd love to see this episode though to be honest my memory is not what is was, indeed if it was any good even then!
Did Kojak in an investigation visit a dingy flat/room/hotel or suchlike where there was a man who made himself blind by staring at a light bulb all the time. I seem to remember him having a conversation with Theo as to why he was blind. It sounds like a Kojak thing as at the time apart from the Sweeney was possibly the grittiest programme I saw.
I hope a dedicated fan can tell me as it has been bugging me for ages!
Thank you!!!
Sameen Shaw: "In the arm, through a brick wall, in the dark. You're welcome."