need episode/scene

Hello all,

for an exhibition at the Museum of Modern Arts in Vienna (Austria) we are doing some research concerning the ‘Case Study House No. 22’ by the american architect Pierre Koenig in Los Angeles. You can view a picture of the house
We are planning an all-embracing archive of film and TV appearances of the house. The records of the house owner told us, that the ‘Case Study House No. 22’ was part of an episode(s).

We are now seaching for this scenes. It would be very nice, if you know anything concerning the "Barnaby Jones". And maybe you could give us a hint where to find a copy of it.

Thank you so much



Unless I'm dead wrong, I believe I've seen that same house on two separate Columbo movies. That corner glass wall is unmistakeable. I think the two movies are these:

I even remember some exterior shots from the front, the house has a slate sidewalk that still looks modern even today.

These movies are regulary broadcast on Bravo, a u.s. cable channel, if you like I can wait for them to be broadcast again and tape them. I assume the house belonged to a producer or some other important hollywood person since it was used in so many movies. Send me an email if you want me to watch for these movies.
