searching for episode

re: Barnaby Jones

I'm looking for episode#2.21, dated 3/3/74 and titled 'Dark Legacy'


I found you on the Barnaby Jones web site-I am interested in obtaining Barnaby Jones on DVD or VHS Video- i was and still am a big fan of the show and cannot seem to locate any dvds or videos-I can trade or purchase-I have the lots of the streets of san francisco and hawaii five o and adam-12 and the time tunnel and the odd couple on video and or dvd for possible trades-also have lots of twilight zones-Please email me back at [email protected] asap to let me know if you want to eithe trade or sell as many DVD or Videos on Barnaby Jones-Do you happen to have Mannix or Cannon on dvd or video? thanks so much-
Steve in Calif.
