Barnaby Jones' office location
Barnaby Jones's office was located in the former Security National Pacific Bank (SNFB) building on the corner of Merengo Avenue and the legendary Colorado Boulevard in Downtown Pasadena before the street stores were demolished to build the ill-fated Pasadena Mall which was then remodeled into the successful open air Paseo Colorado.
The SNFB building housed a branch on the ground floor and classic art-deco offices above. I worked down the block from this building for over 10 years as a retail store manager and part of my daily weekday duties was to walk down the block to deposit and conduct store business. At the start of every season the film crew along with Buddy, Lee and other show actors would shoot stock footage there to use througout the year. One year I was asked to be just another face in the crowd extra as they shot a scene there and at the parking lot across the street on Marengo. The building was seen in every episode, especially coming out of commercial breaks.
Whereas the building still stands today SFNB has long been out of business. By the by and by on the subject of Pasadena scenes, the City of Roses famed classic City Hall has been in huindreds of films and TV shows, most often by Mission Impossible which used it to represent capitols and official buildings of Europe and the Americas. The Colorado Blvd bridge aka Suicide Bridge which spans the Arroyo Seco above the Rose Bowl has also been used countless times.