I always felt that priest was a cooler character than shaft, having a better job, (cocaine dealer to private investigator) better clothes (who can argue with his style) a better voice and a better if less catchy song. But what do yall think?
I like Priest's theme song, clothing more than Shaft, but I don't think that I could say that a drug dealer is better than being a, "black private dick."
I have to say that Shaft was doing the better job, not necessarily the better paying, but obviously he wasn't going to go to jail for being a PI. In terms, of music, both of these soundtracks are stellar and essential items. Shaft by Isaac Hayes & Superfly by Curtis Mayfield are both available on CD. I have both, I suggest you pick them up as well. I can't imagine not having both the Shaft Theme and Freddie's Dead in my music collection.
Besides, Shaft was directed by Gordon Parks and Superfly by his son, so it's all good. If I were you I'd obtain both the DVDs and the CD soundtracks.
- "There's such a fine line between stupid and clever."
IMO, Priest was a sad character, only great in his own mind. Curtis Mayfield's excellent soundtrack emphasises this. Sure, he might have have cooler outfits than Shaft, and possibly more women. However, he's not even an anti-hero, he's a downright loser. A man heading for destruction. A sad example of a sad culture. At best, an ambiguous cool-looking, hard-hitting, smart-mouthing lowlife. I'm not sure if this was the director's intention, but Mayfield's music seemed to contradict everything Priest did.
Two great characters, and the films were made by father and son. Gordon Parks directed SHAFT, while a year or two later Gordon parks Jr. directed SUPERFLY.
"When there is no more room in the Oven, the Bread will walk the Earth."
Hmmm...Interesting view - hard to argue against especially since it's 5 years old but Priest is cooler. Need you look past the soundtrack and the car?
It would make for an interesting fight but if Priest didn't win I would argue that it was faked. In addition to everything in the movie Priest didn't have a couple of really crappy sequels weighing him down. (No, Superfly II doesn't count).
Two different views of the same world! Both damn good movies Both EXCELLENT sound tracks.. Story lines have been copied over and over again. These are the best of that time.
Priest is a God amongst Hoodrats!...He's not a Hero, Antihero, just a dude from the streets tryin' to get by...like REAL PEOPLE...some are losers, some are what may be considered successful...In the end, most people do what they must to survive.
"The Only True Wisdom consists of knowing...that you know nothing"