Lyrics to Best of Buddies

Although not on IMDB, I've seen interest around the web as to the lyrics of the "Best of Buddies" song in this film. Having gotten the DVD recently, I discovered, with closed-captioning on, what the lyrics were, so here goes:

Me and you
A two-man crew
Side by side
We're unified
And we will never be divided
Win or lose
We go in twos
We're the best of buddies
Me and you
We've got good vibes
Our friendship jibes
In our close
United status
Who could ever
Separate us?
And what's more
We've got rapport
We're the best of buddies
Me and you
Harmony is where it's at
And where it's at for you
Is where it's at for us
Share and share alike
Is what it's all about
And what it's all about
Just makes us rapturous!
Partners! Pals! Comrades! Chums!
Buddies to the end
Whatever comes
We and you
A happy crew
Side by side
We're unified
And we will never be divided
Lose or win
Sink or swim
We're the best of buddies, Snoopy
We're the best of buddies
We're the best of buddies, we and you
