WTF is this shi*

Snoopy loves root beer and cookies, hates coconut candy, gets claustrophobia in tall weeds, and is deathly afraid of icicles dangling over his doghouse. Snoopy also has the uncanny ability to play fetch with soap bubbles, and can hear someone eating marshmallows or cookies at a distance, or even peeling a banana.

I got this from his wikipedia profile. I know wikipedia is a user based encyclopedia but wow thats the most absurd thing to say about the Snoopy.


BUT IT'S ALL TRUE! Over the years I have read plenty of Peanuts comics and most of the stuff mentioned rings loud bells.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.





Besides the bit about root beer, which comes from the World War I Flying Ace strips, most of these references come from WAY back when Snoopy was first making the transition from being a dog with visible thoughts to acting like a funny looking kid with a big nose.
