Mary Ann

I'm sort of surprised by the number of people in the reviews who ask, "Why was Hackman named Mary Ann?" He ran a company which, for marketing reasons, had been given the artificially homespun name of MARY ANN'S MEATS (like "Dolly Madison" or "Betty Crocker"). For this reason, Hackman's character, as the boss of this firm, picked up the nickname "Mary Ann". I never got the impression the man's real name was Mary Ann. His nickname came from the company, not vice versa.



Wow, I never caught that! (Always thought the "Mary-Ann" moniker was some sort of Gay Maria thing).



yeah....I am guessing they use nicknames in that business...(MOB) I am guessing also that the guys real name was not weenie was just what he ate all the time and....what he was LOL!

"Titus pullo is not afraid of any bastard with a dogs head on him"-Rome
