Scott is clearly not Catholic, he's more likely an Episcopalian because he's called "Reverend" not "Father" as a Catholic priest was (and doesn't wear a clerical collar).
Clergy in the Episcopal Church USA are called "Priests" (rather than "Ministers"), wear a collar, and (more often than not) are referred to as "Father" or "Mother", although their official title is
Reverend ____. Episcopal (Anglo-Catholic) congregations are similar to Roman Catholic in that some parishes practice a higher Church ("smells & bells") liturgy than others. However, in general, the Episcopal Church rarely adopted the "contemporary/ folk mass" in the 60s/70s, as the Roman church in the US did. Even today, it has retained many more of the traditional elements of the Eucharist than the Roman church has.
My take on Scott is that he was from a more low-church Protestant denomination: Methodist, Presbyterian, perhaps even Lutheran. I get the impression he was of the same denomination/colleague of the Arthur O'Connell character. O'Connell represented the previous generation of the church (staid, traditional, ritualistic), whereas Scott was the hip, "non-conformist" rebel---he even wore a turtleneck & long sideburns!