Useless people
First let me say that I've always liked this movie since the first time I saw it in the theater in 1972.
Having said that, I can't help noticing the number of useless people in this film, particularly Nonnie. Here is a list of things she's can't do:
- Can't leave her dead brother.
- Can't climb a Christmas tree.
- Can't pull herself up a ramp.
- Can't climb a ladder.
- Can't go on after thinking about her dead brother again.
- Can't swim.
It was rather annoying watching her give up at each and every obstacle.
Then you have Mrs Rosen. Yes she was a hero near the end. But for much of the movie, in her mind anyway, she was always too fat to do anything. One scene in particular annoyed me - when she had to go up that ramp to the next floor. Ok, I understand that she may have needed help. But instead of trying to climb while being pulled, she sat on her butt while they dragged her up with the fire hose. I would think most people would have at least made some effort to save themselves in that situation, no matter how disadvantaged they may be.