similarities between The Poseidon Adventure & WW & The Chocolate Factory
Jack Albertson was in both of them.
Songs are sung onscreen
WW: I've Got a Golden Ticket, Pure Imagination, and many others
PA: only The Morning After and Auld Lang Syne
There was a scene with a big crowd, and after that scene, there were only a handful of actors appearing in the rest of the film.
WW: The crowd in front of the factory, and then after that scene, only Willy, the ticketholders and their parents (one each) and the Oompa Loompas, and Mr. Wilkinson aka Slugworth
PA: The crowd of people in the banquet room; a handful climb up the Christmas tree and the many people who don't climb end up drowning.
A male was eliminated out of the picture, then two females, then one male.
WW: Augustus, Violet, Veruca, Mike
PA: Akers, Mrs. Rosen, Mrs. Rogo, Reverend Scott
Augustus and Akers both get wet. Mrs. Rosen started out fat and Violet became fat. Veruca & Mrs. Rogo fell a great distance. Mike T.V. fell into Mrs. T.V.'s pocketbook and Reverend Scott fell into the water. Mrs. T.V. allowed Mike to fall in her pocketbook after letting go of him.
People ride in a flying vehicle at the end of the film.
WW: the Wonkavator
PA: the helicopter