MovieChat Forums > The Other (1972) Discussion > When Was This Shown on Broadcast TV?

When Was This Shown on Broadcast TV?

When was The Other shown on broadcast TV with the alliterate ending that has not been seen since?



Use to see this back in the day in the 70s all the time on network tv. Did not know there was an alternate ending ill probably have to try & find it 1day on DVD!!!

Did read the book the "old way" from the library shelf in the 80's. Interesting tidbit: i think i read somewhere back inthe day that the actorSven Thorsen was somehow RELATED? to the actress who played ADA(grandmother).


They used to show this on "regular TV" waaay back in the '70s to the '80s (WNEW-NY channel 5, New York).

I don't remember an alternate ending,though.

Describe the alternate ending you are talking about.


I vaguely seeing this on television when I was little. My mom found it to be creepy and made me stopped watching it. You do not think of content when you
are that young.



When the film aired on CBS in the 1970s, a voice-over at the end of the film has Niles speaking to Holland: "Holland, the game's over. We can't play the game anymore. But when the sheriff comes, I'll ask him if we can play it in our new home." The voice-over truncates a line by the maid, Winnie, who in the theatrical cut says, "Niles, wash up now - time for lunch," whereas in the voice-over version she is cut off after merely "Niles, wash up now." The voice-over is not on the home video releases nor has it appeared on any recent television airing.

I cant remember if I saw it on TV or syndication ( Im from NJ so I too would have seen it on WNEW!)


On the rare occasions when the film is run these days, the 'minus' (dialogue at the end) version has been shown. I DO remember the version with Niles' dialogue over the end - I guess CBS thought it had to show consequences rather than having him seem to get away with his actions. The version that I taped from AMC so many years ago (when they didn't hack up films with commercials) and recently finally got around to digitizing, is the 'minus' version - the theatrical release.

"No fate but what we make." -Terminator II



me two. i was like 10 years old and i watched it by myself one night.

it freaked me out for weeks.

glad to know there were others traumatized by this film.

ยง Al-Qaeda, Jihad, Great Satan, bomb, explosive, death, Allah


The Other was first shown on the CBS Friday Night Movie, 4 April 1975. It was repeated in 1977 and might have aired at least one another time on network TV before turning up on local stations.
