MovieChat Forums > The Other (1972) Discussion > Some facts about the film

Some facts about the film

Thought people might be interested in some facts about the production of the film, which I've been able to dig up from various sources. From the Variety archives:

March 24, 1971: "Actor-author Tom Tryon and Ed Dukoff have teamed with Robert Mulligan to film Tryon's first novel, "The Other,"...Tentatively scheduled for a June 1 start, pic will be filmed for an estimated $1,600,000 under Mulligan's production banner."

It obviously didn't start on June 1, because on June 16 it was announced that Mulligan and casting director Alixe Gordin "would like to come upon a couple of twin boys, non pros, for leading roles. Miss Gordin sez the kids should be 'intelligent and sensitive, with more than average responsiveness'."

August 4: "Uta Hagen will make her plcture debut playing the grandmother In 20th-Fox's 'The Other'."

September 14: Shooting begins in Murphys, California. As of November 19 it was still shooting, but I couldn't find an end date.

I've also come across an article from the Calaveras Enterprise (local paper) from October 13, 1971 which gives some details about the production. Apparently the house was the Kinney Ranch in Murphys, though it goes under a different name now. This is where the exteriors were filmed. A full-sized replica of the house with moveable walls was built in nearby Angels Camp for filming of interiors. The well that Holland falls down was a vertical shaft built above ground.

There was also a comment at another website by someone claiming to have worked on the film, saying that all the night scenes were shot first. Can't find the comment at the moment.

Anyone else have any interesting info? Especially people who worked on the film - I hope you can share some interesting details.
