I can't believe....
...Niles and Holland were played by two different kids. The way the entire thing was filmed and edited, I was sure it was one child starring in both roles! Anyone else think that while watching it?
share...Niles and Holland were played by two different kids. The way the entire thing was filmed and edited, I was sure it was one child starring in both roles! Anyone else think that while watching it?
shareSince I was a big fan (massive understatement) of the book, I was very excited when they said that there would be twins playing the twins. The Udvanorky brothers were directed to intentionally be even more identical than they were in real life, I think, just to muddy up the big reveal.
"No fate but what we make." -Terminator II
hm, two different children were named in the credits playing two different children and you can obviuosly tell them apart...what's not to believe?
Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...share
"I can't believe..." is an expression used to convey one's surprise. Of course I believe that it was two children playing two roles now that I know the truth. But I hadn't payed much attention to the opening credits upon my first viewing of the film and, as I stated in my initial post, "The way the entire thing was filmed and edited..." led me to believe the roles were played by one person.
It simply was a surprise for me when I learned it was two kids instead of one.
I'd read the book long before the film and had also kept abreast of the casting, so there being twins was expected. Mulligan did a pretty good job of never allowing you to think much about it until the big "aha!" moment, and, afterwards, Ada overhearing Niles speaking with his twin. Though I knew what to expect, it was still effective.
No fate but what we make. -Terminator II