MovieChat Forums > The Other (1972) Discussion > The new Blu-ray of THE OTHER

The new Blu-ray of THE OTHER

If you're a fan of the genre, the new Blu-ray from Twilight Time is well worth the money, even if you've never seen the film. It has an isolated score track which includes ALL the Goldsmith cues - even those not used in the finished film!
If you have seen the film, read on.
Yes, much of it is over the top, but a second viewing reveals how carefully constructed it is. Even though it's pretty easy nowadays to be ahead of the reveals (what with films like THE SIXTH SENSE keeping us on guard), there are plenty of things there to keep you from being sure of the truth. There are just a handful of shots that include both boys, and they are always pans, so while you see both boys in the same take, you still never see them sharing the frame. The very first time you see Holland, the shot has panned over from Niles, immediately establishing that there are two actors. Aunt Vee asks Niles if her son could borrow Holland's bike, as though Holland was still alive. The old lady neighbor thinks that Holland is alive, but it's established that she's balmy and doesn't even remember that the boys' father is dead.
After the scene where we finally are allowed to see that Niles is talking to an empty chair, we never see Holland again, we only hear his voice. This establishes that, a la Norman Bates, finally facing the truth has caused Niles to snap, and both personalities have become one evil crazy child.
One other observation: the scene near the end when they find the baby is one of the most horrific scenes I've ever seen. Nowadays you'd expect to actually see the body in full, but this was done with skillful direction and perfect acting by the cast - their reactions to what you DON'T see are so real and heartbreaking that you feel as though you've seen what they've seen.


Way to go with all the spoilers - NOT. Post warnings in future.


Give away as many spoilers as you like. If you have never seen the movie since it's release 42 years ago, then you will more than likely find it slow and boring. This is a classic that demands multiple viewings (like To Kill A Mockingbird) but if you are the casual viewer who like films of today will be turned off by it.
It is a marvelous film and not many spoilers were spilt. Stick to the remakes you younger viewers. The 1972 version is for the mature crowd who likes slow horror films.


(SIXTH SENSE SPOILERS. Do I really have to put that?)

For me, having seen The Other and Jacob's Ladder (along with several other similar movies and even TV shows like The Twilight Zone) is what led to me knowing what the twist was to The Sixth Sense just by watching the trailer.

Actually, after watching the trailer I thought two things. The kid is a ghost or Bruce Willis is ghost. Then when I finally saw the movie (in 1999 when it first came out), it was way obvious. I still liked it though. Very well done. Didn't ruin the movie for me.


I must have been the target audience because, though I'd seen The Other, The Twilight Zone, One Step Beyond, and many (many) similar ideas, I was still surprised. It's called suspending your disbelief, and it's not an easy thing to do when the audience is used to outguessing the writer.
He got me.
So did Tryon.

No fate but what we make. -Terminator II
