Good, but essentially a remake of The Bad Seed (spoilers)
This movie was on this afternoon while I was doing research on the internet, so I paid halfway attention to it. It was good enough that I didn't change the channel. The little boys were excellent actors and genuinely creepy. But as I was watching it occurred to me that I knew what would happen, because the movie was so much like the older movie The Bad Seed. It wasn't exactly the same, but close.
I even guessed how it would end (the same way The Bad Seed ended).
The adult who realized what was going on did the same stupid things that the mother in The Bad Seed did....nothing to protect other people. Didn't report the incidents or what she knew was happening. No, both adults left the insanely evil kid free to roam about and kill more people. But I suppose because the adults cried about it, that's okay.
And when they decide on their ultimate solution, they don't select something that's sure fire. Of course not. They select something that the evil one may escape, and of course the adult, who decided to end it for herself, was successful in only doing away with herself. How the adult handled the situation in both movies is upsetting to me, and literally unbelievable.
Still, it's a good watch because of the camera work, the acting (especially Niles), and the horrific acts. Good script, too.