Passing Out

I rememeber the scene where Arthur Bishop passes out at the aquarium. The doctor said he had an acute Anxiety reaction. Is there really such a thing and
why would Bishop suffer from one? He was supposed to be without conscience after
Thank You
[email protected]


Yes, there is such a thing as an acute anxiety reaction. It is a medically defined term and is fairly common enough. Although Bishop apparently has little or no conscience, he does however deal with a high level of stress in his line of work. His life of isolation with ocassional "charades" do little and over time less and less to provide him with any satisfactory means to process his build-up of stress. In the novel it adresses this issue at length. It basically goes on to say that Bishop is only at ease when he is working on one of his involvements . Unfortunately for Bishop, a day off is not a good thing!
