MovieChat Forums > The Mechanic (1972) Discussion > Michael Winner is a C*ck

Michael Winner is a C*ck

...that's all I have to say.

He does cheesy insurance ads and snippy restaurant criticism here in the UK, and he's the biggest a*se I've ever seen. "Calm down, dear, It's only a commercial!"

Paul Kaye once asked him: "Just how much chef's p*ss do you think you've drunk throughout your career, Mr Winner?" Well, If I worked in a restaurant, he'd be drinking mine. His films are utter sh*te, too.

Anyway, I love Chuck, and I lament his working relationship with this (wannabe) upper-class w*nker.


...Everyone is entitled to an opinion, let's all be thankful for that! In the meanwhile, we can all be happy that Lewis John Carlino's story of "The Mechanic" can go from page to screen with Charles Bronson as the ultimate "Arthur Bishop" , and if Michael Winner needs to pay his bills maybe it's a matter of "Money is paid, but that's not the motive..."


He was speaking rubbish on "Question Time" as well. The audience hated him.


You should hear him go on and on about the "art" of independent film making after a full career as a Hollywood studio hack.



That the guy is an idi-- today does not mean he was one back then. The movies he made with Chuck Bronson and also most others he did in the 60ies to early 70ies are great, have aged superbly and are among the best of their kind, just say MECHANIC, CHATO´S LAND, DEATH WISH I (of course), SCORPIO, ... their teamign was great back then !

Winner´s movie-career ended miserably with really poor movies and poor direction, let´say he became a slob lateron, but don´t judge a book by its cover and don´t judge a guy from 30 and more years ago, but what is left in old age ...
