Sandra Cassel

Is Sandra Cassel in this movie? She played Mari Collingwood in The Last House on the Left (1972) and she's gorgeous! :-) It says on that she's in the movie. Maybe she's uncredited. Does anyone know?


I doubt Sandra was in this movie, but years ago IMDB listed Lucy Grantham as playing the Bess Smith character in Legend of Boggy Creek. Lucy's name was finally changed to the correct name which is Flo Pierce I think.


Hmmm, interesting. I wonder who wants to go out of their way to link the two movies together and why.

Death lives in the Vault of Horror!


This was one of the only two movies she did. She went on to become a teacher.


You're mistaken. Sandra Cassell (aka Sandra Peabody) is nowhere to be seen in Boggy Creek, but she certainly did more than just two movies. She is the star of "Voices of Desire" and also appears in "Massage Parlor Hookers" and some other soft-porn titles using various aliases. She's probably not proud of these movies and doesn't want to admit it, but it doesn't change the fact she is in them.

Here are some photos of her from Voices of Desire: .html


Really? I'm pretty sure that's her who played one of the girls at the sleepover. Well, seeing how the girl who played Phyllis and Fred Licoln were both in porn, it doesn't surprise me at all that she went down that road too. It was the 70s after all.


According to the credits, the three girls at the sleepover were played by Robin Raffaelli, Cathy Cox and Jinger Hawkins. I barely remember this scene now, so I guess it is possible she could have used a pseudonym, but I still doubt it's her. Seeing how she lived in New York City and all of her other films from the same time period were shot either there or very close to there, I find it unlikely she would have traveled all the way down South to play a bit part in an extremely low-budget movie that I doubt the cast was even paid for. It's probably just another one-time local actress who somewhat resembles her.

I do remember reading something about Phyllis' porn past; something about her doing it to get back at her rich parents or something along those lines. I don't know if any of those movies has ever turned up as evidence though, but I may be mistaken about that. And yes, considering her, Fred Lincoln, as well as Wes Craven and Sean Cunningham were all involved in porn, it's no surprise Cassell did it as well, though she seemed to only do soft-core unlike the others.

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