Woman In Bed With Cold Child in TLOBC
Exactly WHO was the old hag who couldn't see fit to move her creaky old carcass from her bed, only to yell at a female relative (who was in the living room) to shut the bedroom window (where the old bag was laying) because "...the baby's getting cold"....(she was holding the baby next to her....)?
Get a grip, grandma....can't you walk two feet away from what will probably be your final resting place?........put your feet to the ground and close your own darn window!!!!
This is one of the scenes that explains EXACTLY why this film has a camp quality...and okay, the music....EVERYBODY sing along with Moisch!!...."Hey, Travis Crabtree....."
By the way, this film deserves an award for having one of the most unintentionally hilarious scenes in film history...uh huh....you bet.....the hand through the bathroom window, as a pour soul seeks comfort on the porcelain throne. Can't a guy even ELIMINATE in private? Wait your turn, Foulke Monster!