Some random thoughts on Joe Kidd (spoilers?)
I somehow missed seeing this movie until just recently, and having seen it last night I have a few random thoughts about it.
First off, the photography in this movie is just lovely. Some of the colors are amazing, and the print that I saw was stunning. There was one scene of the little Mexican town in particular where I just had to pause the DVD. Nothing was really happening in the scene, but the brilliant pastel colors were just awesome. I guess that's cinemascope and panavision and so forth for ya...
Anyhow I understand some of the criticisms I have read here. Certainly the ending leaves something to be desired, and the shifting "morality" (or complete lack of it) is kinda odd and hard to keep up with. I mean, you have to feel kind of bad for Ramone. "Ramone, you take the lead and ride into town first..." <<BANG!!>>
Also, having some experience with steam engines I can tell you that running an engine and firing it at the same time is difficult at best. There had to be a fireman crouched behind him to open and close the draft to the boiler, work the injectors, atomizer, etc. or Joe (and everyone in the bar) woulda choked on the smoke (or maybe been destroyed in the giant boiler explosion. Now THAT woulda been an ending).
I found the sniper vs. sniper scene to be oddly satisfying in some way I can't put my finger on. Totally gratuitous violence of course, but satisfying. This has to be one of the very few sniper scenes in a western...
...and what is up with the unfinished "romance" between Eastwood and Duvall's girl? She could have been cut from the movie and no one would have missed her. Maybe there are scenes from her that wound up on the cutting room floor as the say.
And here is one I can't believe no one has commented on: He makes a sandwich and walks out into trouble eating it, in an obvious nod to his "Dirty Harry" persona. Just greatness! I love stuff like that.
Anyhow I think this movie is better than the rating it gets here. The time period is interesting, and Clint as always is fun to watch. The holes in the plot are large, but just big enough to drive a train through.
Anyone else?