Chen Cold Hearted?

So let me see if I remember this right... He heard about the Japanese plot to attack the Kung Fu school, when he was doing the undercover operation as the telephone operator, and yet when the angry mob leaves their Dojo to go and pillage the Chinese does he attemp to protect his friends, let alone warn them?
No He just rampages into the, now less guarded, Dojo to revenge his masters death, by taking out their master and the weaklings that were not fit to participate into the brutal "justice" that the Japanese mob were about to unleash upon the Kung Fu School?

Some Crusader huh? I suppose that he believed the ends justify means


Watch the movie carefully. They don't tell their plan to kill everyone till Bruce lee (as the telephone guy) leaves


Oh, so I remembered it wrong?
I suppose it makes more sense now


'Oh, so I remembered it wrong?' Yes you did.

'I suppose it makes more sense now.' Yes it makes perfect sense.

Plotholes are like Bigfoot, people who claim to see them are just trying to stir things up.
