Great performance by Redford too. Theres also something very relaxing and soothing about it. Even with all the terrible things that happen. This must have been ov er-shadowed by the Godfather. It definitely should have at least been nominated for best picture.
it's got a great message, about just accepting what happens and dealing with it the best you can.
at the end, when Jeremiah is asked "was it worth the trouble?" and even after fighing all those Crow, and everything he had been thru, he just says "what trouble?"
I agree. This movie is the most powerful movie ever made. It's accurate in every way. The language, clothing, etc. An awful lot of research went into this movie. I get the chills when I hear the intro song which continues up to the point where Johnson is fumbling with the fish in the stream and then, the powerful piano chord, when he see's the mighty Indian on his horse. The movie comes full circle through all of his battles he finally comes back to the same stream and see's the same Indian on his horse and that powerful hand gesture between the two mighty warriors. It's over. The fighting is over. You have made it. That gesture says it all.