If there was a remake...

I'm not saying i want this to actually happen, but if there was a remake i think i'd be cool if Robert Redford played the old mountain man Jeremiah meets. Robert Redford should also direct it too.


I like the idea of Redford playing Bear Claw in a remake. Except I don't think he could match the personality of Will Geer.



I doubt this movie could ever be remade. It's too slow and beautiful for the mtv gen to enjoy. If they DID remake it, they would try to speed it up and make Del Q a government operative or something stupid like that.


If someone would want to remake this, it would be legal proff they are no longer in control of their faculities and should be committed to a mental institution.

Why are so many people wanting good movies remade?



You're right bfan....Jeremiah 'The Rock' Johnson would end up befriending the Indians at the end and live in harmony with the land.

Good ol' Coney Island College. Go WhiteFish! -- Fry


On every old movie forum there's a similar thread, and I also wonder that same very thing - if a movie is great, why remake it? It seems to me that to some people the old stuff is somewhat lesser in some degree - in part because of the realism obsession somewhat connected to the special effects techniques and other related stuff that create the movie "illusion". But old movies are like theater plays, it's not that realism you're looking for, but much more subtle and thorough details that require a different kind of attention and sensibility.

I think this comes with age, and I'm not patronizing (very important) - it's just because age brings much more information to relate things in a different way. It's like drinking an old wine, you're not doing it because you want to get drunk, you want to savor every little sip and let it fulfill you thoroughly. The bottle may not be very pretty or clean, the cork may not come out as elegantly, but the content... the content is all!


well said.



With Brad Pitt as Jeremiah?

Love as much as you breathe


Stop it.
