MovieChat Forums > Jeremiah Johnson (1972) Discussion > fishing in the beginning...

fishing in the beginning...

wouldn't he be cold as hell from falling in the water? i mean its freakin freezing so he must've been really really cold...unless the moving water prevented that...

"A four letter Italian word for "goodbye"...Bang...B-A-N-G..."


I'm sure he was cold as hell. But likely had on some insulation of some kind underneath his clothing for the movie. It's a great scene.

I was on field camp in southern Colorado while I was in college, just below Blanca Peak. When it was time to go back to Iowa, everyone was ordered to bathe as best they could, in the nearby creek. It was about the 3rd week of August, so the weather was warm. But the water was about 38-40 degrees. You could only last in it for less than a minute. Your muscles start cramping like mad, then you scream, then you jump out of the water and lay on warm boulders.


wow, i can only imagine...but i mean, if he was REALLY fishing in that stream, he could only last a few minutes until getting mild hypothermia...but the warm rocks idea sounds

"A four letter Italian word for "goodbye"...Bang...B-A-N-G..."


Bob often said that he nearly died during the making of this movie. Sydney wanted it as real as it could be. Yes, he darn near froze to death during that scene, begged Sydney to catch the scene fast as he didn't want to repeat it. He got chased by the bear too.


I remember going ice fishing one year. The water came through all the holes and was about 3 ft deep on top of the ice. This layer of water was covered by snow and another thin layer of ice. I went straight through the top layer of ice, and had to jack up the ice hut on buckets to get it out of the water. This took about 30 mins. Boy were my feet cold! Seeing as he was only in the water for a few mins I can see this a being plausible, as long as immediately after he was right beside a fire. But didnt he fall in the water, getting his whole torso wet? This may cause a problem...



Starvation will drive people to endure rigors that they normally would not: Johnson needed that fish since he probably had not eaten in days. In the service, I spent a few days wandering around in the Sierra Mtns in a survival school exercise. After three days, I came upon a stream that had been recently stocked with Brown trout. The water was freezing cold, but like Johnson, I barely noticed it because I was so hungry and determined to get one of dozens of fish caught in an eddy, I did the same as he - just scooped until one flew out onto the bank. Then barely stripped the guts out before gobbling it down - best tasting fish I ever had, but took all day to dry out my clothes - without fire, would likely have suffered hypothermia.
