MovieChat Forums > Jeremiah Johnson (1972) Discussion > Jeremiah Johnson soundtrack?

Jeremiah Johnson soundtrack?

I saw the movie on cable for first time a month ago. I was stunned by the music, and I absolutely need to have it, or something as close as possible to it. The bio of the music composers didn't help me. Is there a soundtrack out there, and if not, does anyone know if there is similar music or a similar artist or soundtrack I could get ahold of to get that "sound"? Thanks. Please e-mail me a [email protected]




Don't bother checking out Captain Kennedy. It's not even close.

Young sings a english-style folk song in a minor key somewhat similar to "Handsome Cabin Boy."

Not similar to any of the soundtrack music other than both are sung quietly by a male vocalist.



I just saw your request for info on this soundtrack.

I have an LP copy that I bought in 1976. It is Warner Bros. BS 2902

Music is by John Rubinstein

There are 5 cuts on side 1, and 4 cuts on the back.
Songs include "Jeremiah Johnson", "The Way that you Wander" and "An Indian Says."

Total running time is 33:45.

I don't know about any CD reissues.

Hope you can find a copy

Dennis Lynch
Cedar Rapids Iowa


Hi, I am trying to find out who sings the songs and narrates in Jeremiah Johnson - it sounds like Warren Oats or maybe the actor that plays Del Gue in the movie. Thanks, Ed.



I just saw your request for info on this soundtrack.

I have an LP copy that I bought in 1976. It is Warner Bros. BS 2902. Music is by John Rubinstein

There are 5 cuts on side 1, and 4 cuts on the back. Total running time is 33:45.

Songs include "Jeremiah Johnson", "The Way that you Wander" and "An Indian Says."

I don't know about any CD reissues. Hope you can find a copy

Dennis Lynch
Cedar Rapids Iowa




first saw the movie in '72. it blew me away. the soundtrack was originally released by elektra. i never bought one because i was being drrafted at the time. years later it was already out of print.
i've always kept an eye out for it. i thought for sure that once cd's caught on it would be remixed. no such luck. i've even tried to contact robert redford through the sundance movie festival to ask him who owns the rights to the music. got nowhere. not even a reply.
a friend suggested trying to burn a cd while the movie plays, but then you've got the dialogue, etc.
please let me know if you ever find anything. i've heard of lp's on e-bay, but even if you have a phonograph the record must be in poor shape 30 years later. maybe someone will one day find where the masters are or who owns them and convince them to re-release it. it really was such an awesome bit of music.
good luck, bear



Great!!! I've been looking for it for more than 30 years.
Could you give me some more details: is it a 'normal' cd, is it an lp copy (because I've got the lp myself, so I might be able to burn it on cd)?
If it's a 'normal' cd, how and where can I get it?

Thanks in advance



I am very interested ... I did however notice your post was put up on April fools day.


I read your post on IMDB about the Jeremiah Johnson soundtrack. Its not availible in any store they stopped producing the soundtrack when it was still out on record. I actually have a copy of it though on cd that I bought off of a guy for $70. He digitally remastered it from the record onto cd. It sounds great there are no pops or hisses like on the record and it has all of the tracks from the movie. If you want I will send you my copy for $45 you could pay through paypal and I will mail it out tomorrow. let me know feel free to write anytime


I read your post on IMDB about the Jeremiah Johnson soundtrack. Its not availible in any store they stopped producing the soundtrack when it was still out on record. I actually have a copy of it though on cd that I bought off of a guy for $70. He digitally remastered it from the record onto cd. It sounds great there are no pops or hisses like on the record and it has all of the tracks from the movie. If you want I will send you my copy for $45 you could pay through paypal and I will mail it out tomorrow. let me know feel free to write anytime email me at [email protected]


The soundtrack to Jeremiah Johnson bears a striking resemblance to the music of American composer Aaron Copland. Copland (1900-1990) blended American folksong, modern harmony, and post-war pandiatonic tonality to create what has been called the "true American sound." Jeremiah Johnson reminds one a lot of Coplands "Appalachian Spring." Remarkably so. Other similar composers to investigate would include Norman Dello Joio, Leonard Bernstein, John Barry, and Alan Hovhaness.

"Yup, watch your'n!"


If you are interested in music that sounds like this, you might like a cellist by the name of barry phillips. Himself and his wife, Shelley, both teach and record traditional music. It sounds remarkably like this soundtrack. I have both "Wondrous Love" and "The World Turned Upside Down". Gorgeous. Go to and have a listen.
