Why would Redford be in an Anti-Native American Movie, part 2
by GettnMovieBuff (Sun Jan 21 2007 14:38:37)
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I know Redford is heavily involved in the Native American community, directing many films to reveal their plight and even founding sundance largely to aid them in making movies.
So why did he make such a seemingly Anti-Native American movie in Jeremiah Johnson?
It wasn't as you describe. You are mischaracterising the film, and are doing so intentionally, are truly do not know what the film is about.
This film portrays a confederate soldier who is forced into taking care of a young boy who is the victim of a warband raid, and a woman who is the daughter of a tribal chief. He interacts with all people in the film on an individual basis.
He is fortunate enough to come across a mountaineer that helps him get started, but unfortunate enough to come across a sociopath burried up to his neck who makes things worse for him by stirring trouble.
The film portrays not so much cultural rifts between white settlers (honest and bad) and the natives who lived in the mountains for years, but key elements that create those rifts in the first place.
The fact that Redford's character does not take retribution out on anyone, but takes in the boy and accepts a marriage to a native American woman speaks volumes for this film.
How you missed all this is beyond me. share