MovieChat Forums > Jeremiah Johnson (1972) Discussion > Singer on the Legend of Jeremiah Johnson

Singer on the Legend of Jeremiah Johnson

Does anyone know the identity of the singer who sings The Legend of Jeremiah Johnson that covers some of the scenes from the movie?


Tim McIntire is his name if I am not mistaken. He is probably best known for playing "Huey Rauch" in another Redford film, 'Brubaker.' Remember Huey Rauch? The bad guy trustee with the blond girlfriend? McIntire wrote and sang the Jeremiah Johnson theme song if I remember correctly. There were other players in both films, considered two of Redford's best.




You are correct. Tim Mcguire both scored the movie and sang the haunting theme song. I just confirmed this with the guy who played the guitar in the movie, Rick Ruskin. I iknd of thought it might have been Glenn Yarborough until I spoke with Rick.


Tim McIntire, son of actor John McIntire, wrote the score with his close friend John Rubinstein. This is not only a favorite movie of mine -- I love the dialogue in the last scene with Will Geer -- but one of my favorite soundtracks. I had a lengthy series of e-mails with Rubinstein in the early 1990s about it. He and McIntire were college friends with Delle Bolton, the woman who played Redford's wife. When she got cast, she recommended them -- as I recall the conversation.


I'm writing a book and including some of the words of McIntire's song - how do I get his permission to quote the lyric? Anyone know?

I believe Tim has passed away, don't know who has the copyright to the song.



tim mcintire did a great job!

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