Bear Claws' advice to Jeremiah Johnson about women
Jeremiah to Bear Claw: Don't you miss having a woman?
Bear Claw: You mean a full-time bed woman? Sure I loves (sic) a woman but let
me tell you a woman's breast is the hardest rock the Almighty ever
made and I can find no track upon it.
Truer words were never spoken. Most guys dream of the perfect female companion/wife who is modest, kind, soft-spoken, and pliant. Keep dreaming guys. Women are born with varying personalities like men and it's a hit or miss if you're going to find your sweet sweetheart. Ask the many, many male celebrity athletes and big-time male actors, and other male celebs and rich guys who are all paying out big bucks alimony for failed marriages. A woman can be as hard-headed, stubborn, contrary, mean, and nasty like any other guy. It's too easy to overlook all that when the woman might be young and beautiful, or an attractive, successful celebrity herself for which the guy celebrity is wanting a partner of the same social class. The male Cinderella version doesn't all work out like we would, as Bear Claw himself discovered. Even though the North American Indian culture was strictly male-dominated, its women could be as tough and stubborn and outspoken like European women. Bear Claw referred to his former squaw as, "...the meanest bitch for bear", which contradicted the stereotype of the Native American woman being compliant and subservient to men. Bear Claw added that he had finally tired of her and traded her for a Hawken gun. He was quite happy being the lifelong bachelor. Some guys discover that too, the life of a permanent bachelor is happier. Interestingly, not a few women have discovered happiness in spinsterhood even if they are attractive. Marriage isn't for everyone and we shouldn't let social custom pressure everyone into marriage.