Anyone find Lila sexy?

I certainly did. And I'm not trying to pose some obscure question of attraction either. But I found her sympathetically attractive. Her performance was so painful, real and vulnerable that I couln't helped but be touched. I also thought she looked quite sexy, sitting on the lounge chair on the beach. Barefoot, sensous, yeah. And believe me, most men find vulnerable and sensous women sexy. I certainly felt more attraction to her than Cybill Shepherd's (Kelly) stoic, bland blondness.



In looks only, yes, I thought Lila was very sexy, however not more sexy than the gorgeous Cybill. But Lila's character was pretty gross...LOL.

Love all. Trust a few. Do wrong to none. - Shakespeare


As a Jewish New Yorker attending grad school at the University of Minnesota when it came out, I've always been a huge fan of the movie.

One thing I did notice even on seeing it for the first time was how Lila was made to look progressively worse throughout the film. At her wedding she was verging on awesome, but by the time of her sunburn recovery she looked almost repulsive. Pretty subtle, but very successful, guys.


I love her! Ever since I saw this movie I've been obsessed with seeing more of Jeannie Berlin. Unfortunately none of her other movies are available so I just watch this one over and over. Actually neither is this movie but I happen to have a VHS copy! It's a shame her career wasn't as successful as it should have been. She is something special. I could watch her all day. Great actress! I would love to see Sheila Levine is Dead and Living in New York. I can buy it to download on Amazon but I'm not sure how that works so I'm waiting until I can figure it out!

I see no beauty here, nor fit for breeding.




When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


I'm Jewish and Lila is your typical fat Jewish girl that will gain weight and will look 50 when she turns 30.

The guys on here that think shes attractive are out of their minds, these are the kind of MORONS! or Jewish putzes! that would find it attractive to eat a Milkey Way bar in bed lol!

I would rather FUC! the Spalding volley ball from the film Cast Away then Fuc! Lila.


WILSON!!!!! (Not Spalding, you fool!)

But yeah, she will not only look 50 when she's 30, she looked about 40 here when she was 21 going on 22. Yikes!

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


Early in the film, when they're on their first date and she's laughing at his jokes, they both look happy and well suited to each other - she looks great. There is definitely something attractive about her in some scenes, and she seems like a real person. She's definitely "earthy", but the film creates a tension between her sensual earthiness and a gluttonous and irritating cluelessness that is a very real dynamic. Great nuanced performance.


The way she kept needing reassurance in bed. The way she kept saying "the next 40 or 50 years" was off-putting. They handled her character perfectly to make her seem more progressively awful to us, and Lenny.

Rebuild the WTC exactly as before and keep old movies accurate!


I would rather FUC! the Spalding volley ball from the film Cast Away then Fuc! Lila

Aw man that just made me LMAO. Thanks,
But, yeah, there was something sexy about her.

